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Barcode Apps

Barcode Apps

 INIT infologic gives the Power of Barcode Mobile Applications in Industrial Settings INIT Infologist’s barcode mobile applications have emerged as indispensable tools for enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and compliance in industrial settings. From streamlined inventory management and efficient asset tracking to improved workforce productivity and enhanced traceability, barcode apps offer a multitude of benefits for industrial businesses. By harnessing the power of mobile technology and barcode scanning, companies can optimize their operations, reduce costs, and gain a competitive edge in today’s dynamic marketplace. Embrace the future of industrial automation with barcode mobile applications and propel your business towards greater success

Benefits of Barcode App

  • Efficient Inventory Management
  • Increased Productivity
  • Enhanced Accuracy
  • Better Decision-Making
  • Cost Savings
  • Compliance and Audit Readiness
  • Scalability and Adaptability

Our Barcode App implemented modules and services

Despatch Module

Synchronization with existing ERP for stock data and challah can be made from the device. It will fetch all details from ERP likes orders, customers with the difference parameters. This will allow user to give mobility for making challan and print it from existing ERP. Allowing customization as per requirement of customers.


Loading Module

This module will give perfection of delivered goods to the customers.Module will synchronize with ERP and fetch details of challans made in system with vehicle wise loading statements. It will verify goods while loading to the vehicles. Allowing customization as per requirement of customers.


Stock Verification Module

This module will get the system stock in to the device and verify with the go down/floor stock. Deliver expectation reports for the both stocks.


Customized Barcode App

INIT Infologic’s customized barcode application offers tailored solutions to meet specific business needs, providing flexibility, efficiency, and enhanced functionality. Here are some key features and benefits of a customized barcode app. Customized barcode app helps to the any organizations by the way of tailored functionality, integration with Existing Systems, Customized Data Capture, Personalized User Interface, Scalability, Offline Capabilities, Security and Compliance and Support and Maintenance.



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